International Show
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Catching Up with International Show

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International Show is a Boston-based, multi-talented rapper, songwriter, producer, and audio engineer who incorporates Christian praise into hip-hop to create uplifting and inspiring music. We were so floored by his new track "Rise" we needed to find out more from the man himself. Check out our interview with Show below!


Who is your biggest musical inspiration? Why?

My biggest inspiration is Jon Bellion hands down! His vision reminds me of where I am. I see things most people don’t in terms of the end result to a musical composition. His ability to tap into these different gifts at a high level in ANY GIVEN MOMENT is beyond inspiring. 


What is your favorite part of being a musician?

My favorite part is creating something that can produce genuine emotions. Happy, sad, mad etc… Sharing my story and connecting to people around the world is one of the greatest feelings. Impacting and changing lives.


When it comes to inspiration, do you wait for it to strike or do you treat your creative process like standard 9-5 meaning you show up regardless if inspiration is present?

Great question! Its both to be honest. At times I don’t have the motivation to create and I have to push myself but as SOON as I start, everything changes. The vibe starts to set in and suddenly Im motivated. Truth be told, thats when I make my best music lol! When Im not motivated to create and push myself to create. The end result is usually amazing because it not me doing it on my own, its the spirit of God leading and directing. 

What has been your most memorable experience (live performance, collaboration, etc) as a musician thus far? What made it the most memorable for you?

I would have to say my first performance with my live band. The reason why is because that moment let me know how different my approach was to performing in addition to utilizing my musical background and leaving everything on the stage. That alone separated me from other artist performers. 


What is your earliest musical memory?

Playing drums at church while singing a song lol! 


What do you want people to know about your latest release?

Rise was a testament to myself. It was a reminder that I have to Rise above in every occasion ESPECIALLY during this pandemic. I also wanted to bring awareness to our first responders who are sacrificing and putting their lives on the line daily during this crisis.  I also want to encourage the others who are just trying to make it daily, and fight depression, anxiety, family issues, and employment changes. You will get through this, and we can get through this by supporting each other. 


What are your plans for the future?

To make my music global. I want to impact lives beyond the US and utilize cultural influences and highlight social issues in my projects. I want to truly connect with my audience and provide encouragement through my artistry. I am focused on collaborating with other artists, dj’s, and creators around the world, and mesh sounds to create new evolved fresh sounds  . I intentionally market my music abroad to create a global fanbase and allow positive music to reach places in the world that may not see hope on a daily basis.


Stream "Rise" on Spotify.


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